Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27th and pizza

When I was pregnant with the girls, I remember looking out the window one evening to see a Domin0s pizza guy delivering an order to our neighbours. I immediately told Jenn that I needed that pizza now. And so began my Domin0s pizza cravings. I know. It sounds strange coming from me, but pregnancy does weird things. I ate this pizza every couple of weeks for months. As soon as the girls were born, the cravings disappeared.

On May 27, 2011, I was scheduled to go into the hospital to be induced. Jenn and I arrived that evening, bags packed. Within a few hours, we were told to go home. The babies were doing fine. The L&D floor was packed. There probably wouldn't even be a room for me. I remember leaving the hospital disappointed and relieved at the same time. Jenn and I had one more night alone in our house. I was overcome with so many emotions -- excited for our twins' arrival, terrified at how our lives would change, sad to see pregnancy come to an end and overwhelmed and worried at my ability to handle it all.

And so at about 9:30pm that night (the time on my clock as I write), we grabbed Domin0s pizza and went home.

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