Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1

Today is day one of our new normal. The girls are 6 weeks old which means that Jenn has returned to work. Yes, I'm feeling sad about it because it has been great spending those weeks together, but I also feel very fortunate that she was able to have those weeks off. I'm not totally on my own yet (thankfully!). We are lucky enough to have our friend, Hannah, visiting from Boston. She's helping me transition into life with the two dogs and two babies. I am also incredibly lucky to have so much support from family and friends. My brother, Michael, came over this morning to take the boys for their daily run in the park. He's going to hang out for a few hours and help out as well.

The four "kids" and I sat on the bed together this morning after Jenn left. Riley wanted to lie right next to his sisters and tried to give them kisses at any chance he could get. Finn, the protective big brother, lay at the bottom of the bed growling because he thought he heard something downstairs.

As usual these days, I never finish a blog entry in one shot. I started it at 7:30am and am now hopefully going to finish it at 12:40pm.

Here's a great picture that I took of Riley and Teagan from this morning:

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